Stoicism | Best Book To Start

3 min readSep 29, 2020
Photo by Chris Fuller on Unsplash

What is Stoicism? Is it an emotionless, robotic lifestyle where nothing phases you? The practice of hating everything in order to not be attached to it? Or just not caring about anything?

Now, while Stoicism has it’s definition on google (it’s not as harsh as the intro.), I have my small definition right below to save you some time.

Stoicism is the practice of understanding the logical side of reality, controlling our emotions regardless of how pressuring or unique the situation is while making or leaving a positive imprint on where you were or who you were with.

You may be thinking, “Where can I start?” or “Why Should I spend my time on that?”. Well like the saying “Don’t knock it till you try it”, you never know, maybe your life will improve by 1000% or maybe not one bit, but the main point is you expanded your mind to give it a shot.

The first book I read was called The Little Book Of Stoicism and the cover has a multiple colored, classy lion. That book alone completely changed my perception of life and how to handle certain situations; the good, the bad, and the ugly. Ever since, I’ve been reading more and more due to how simplistic yet powerful information was withing this ideology.

Personally, I do not recommend anything I don’t like, but this book is completely different and has changed my perspective on life.

Disclaimer: this is an Affiliate link.

The society we live in today are easily offended and immediately respond with emotional rather than logical responses. Their mind is controlling them and their logical thought process is thrown out the window. Now in life and business, controlling emotions and being able to be relaxed in stressful situations, are the best ways to gain more respect, gain more confidence in yourself, and most importantly being able to think clearly in stressful situations. Being able to control how you respond to anything thrown at you gives you an unbelievable confidence booster, understanding no one can change how you want to act, is powerful.

Now if you made it this far, Thank You so much for your time! I truly appreciate your open-mindedness and hope to have made a positive mark your way. I will have a paragraph or two about myself right below. Feel free to read the rest or come back in the future.

Now as a 20-year-old it may seem weird on why you should be taking advice from someone such a young-ish age, but then again there are 16-year-old millionaires so I think we may know a bit. With all the quarantine and separation, naturally, depression and some stress started to feel like that’s all that existed, but I came across a youtube video regarding what stoicism is and my curiosity began to get the best of me. I decided to learn a little more and ordered “The little book of Stoicism.” Now, when I say “It is A Game Changer” I mean it is a Game Changer! How it opens your mind to different perspectives, especially those that help you maintain your composure, being able to think logically before letting your emotions get the best of you.

I do not want to ruin this amazing book for you but here’s one principle that you can put in use today. Don’t worry about the things outside of your control or you will put unneeded stress on yourself!

Example: You want a raise and you're worried about what your boss would say. You’re gathering evidence and reasons then proceed to finally discuss what you would like. Now you've finally discussed with your boss and left the office, you asked for what you wanted, now it is out of your control on what your boss decides to do.

This is a simple example but regards to everything in life. You can only do so much but when the decision is no longer in your hands, take whatever is given and make the most of it.




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